Ok, who brought the dog?

October 28, 2012

Latest Post The Hound of the Baskervilles by Owen Soule

With Halloween nearly here it's time to bring the people what they want - which is monsters?  Maybe it's just what I want, can't be sure, but I'm bringing it anyway.   After watching Making Monsters last weekend I got into the Halloween spirit and decided to create a werewolfy type character - only rather than a Wolf-man character mine would be a Dog-man!  This is mainly because we own a greyhound, Vicki, and I thought making a greyhound werewolfy type hybrid thingee would be interesting and maybe cool?  Also, I kept the sculpt to a bust, rather than a whole figure, just to knock it out a bit quicker.Without further adieu, here is the making of Dog-man -  a short put together in After Effects which includes an animated ZBrush history (a new feature in 4r4) chronicling the creature's skin creation, the additional of some sculpted detail elements, a model turntable, and last but not least the final render, enjoy...


The song used in the above video was purchased off Audio Micro and is entitled Zombie Dance - so it fits with the Halloween theme!   Anyone looking for good royalty free music should definitely check out their site.I haven't forgot those whose attention spans can't bear to wait 2 minutes to see the final render, so here is Dog-man in all his CG glory after a bit of added Photoshop magic!

Dog-man thinks you should buy him some Snausages...pronto!

This was more good practice for the potentially epic Cthulhu sculpture I keep postponing... next time, Gadget...next time... for now we're bracing for Frankenstorm and I've got to get this Macbook Pro charged up so I can keep ZBrushin' when the power goes out!

Owen Soule

Published October 28, 2012